
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // Copyright 2002,2004 Sony Corporation 
00003 //
00004 // Permission to use, copy, modify, and redistribute this software for
00005 // non-commercial use is hereby granted.
00006 //
00007 // This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind,
00008 // either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the
00009 // implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose.
00010 //
00012 #ifndef MoNetData_h
00013 #define MoNetData_h
00015 #include <OPENR/OPENR.h>
00017 static const char* const MONET_MOTION_KEYWORD = "MONET_MOTION";
00018 static const char* const MONET_SOUND_KEYWORD  = "MONET_SOUND";
00019 static const char* const MONET_CONFIG     = "/MS/OPEN-R/MW/CONF/ERS-200/MONET.CFG";
00020 static const char* const MONETCMD_CONFIG  = "/MS/OPEN-R/MW/CONF/ERS-200/MONETCMD.CFG";
00021 static const char* const MONET7_CONFIG    = "/MS/OPEN-R/MW/CONF/ERS-7/MONET.CFG";
00022 static const char* const MONETCMD7_CONFIG = "/MS/OPEN-R/MW/CONF/ERS-7/MONETCMD.CFG";
00023 const size_t MONET_AGENT_COMMAND_NAME_MAX = 31;
00024 const size_t MONET_AGENT_NAME_MAX         = 31;
00026 typedef int MoNetCommandID;
00027 const MoNetCommandID monetcommandID_UNDEF = -1;
00029 typedef int MoNetPosture;
00030 const MoNetPosture monetpostureUNDEF    = -1;
00031 const MoNetPosture monetpostureANY      =  0; // "any"
00032 const MoNetPosture monetpostureNT       =  1; // "nt"
00033 const MoNetPosture monetpostureSTAND    =  2; // "stand"
00034 const MoNetPosture monetpostureSIT      =  3; // "sit"
00035 const MoNetPosture monetpostureSLEEP    =  4; // "sleep"
00036 const MoNetPosture monetpostureWALK     =  5; // "walk"
00038 typedef int MoNetAgentID;
00039 const MoNetAgentID monetagentUNDEF   = -1;
00040 const MoNetAgentID monetagentNEUTRAL =  0;
00041 const MoNetAgentID monetagentMTN     =  1;
00042 const MoNetAgentID monetagentSOUND   =  2;
00043 const MoNetAgentID monetagentMTNWALK =  3;
00045 static const char* const monetagentNEUTRAL_STRNAME = "monetagentNEUTRAL";
00046 static const char* const monetagentMTN_STRNAME     = "monetagentMTN";
00047 static const char* const monetagentSOUND_STRNAME   = "monetagentSOUND";
00048 static const char* const monetagentMTNWALK_STRNAME = "monetagentMTNWALK";
00050 //
00051 // monetagentNEUTRAL command index
00052 //
00053 const int monetagentNEUTRAL_NT2SLEEP = 0;
00055 //
00056 // monetagentMTN command index
00057 //
00058 const int monetagentMTN_NULL_MOTION = -1;
00060 typedef int MoNetStatus;
00061 const MoNetStatus monetUNDEF        = -1;
00062 const MoNetStatus monetSUCCESS      =  0; // also means CONTINUATION
00063 const MoNetStatus monetCOMPLETION   =  1;
00064 const MoNetStatus monetINCOMPLETION =  2;
00065 const MoNetStatus monetBUSY         =  3;
00066 const MoNetStatus monetINVALID_ARG  =  4;
00067 const MoNetStatus monetINVALID_WAV  =  5;
00069 struct MoNetCommand {
00070     MoNetCommandID  commandID;
00072     MoNetCommand(MoNetCommandID id) { commandID = id; }
00073 };
00075 struct MoNetResult {
00076     MoNetCommandID  commandID;
00077     MoNetStatus     status;
00078     MoNetPosture    posture;
00080     MoNetResult(MoNetCommandID id, MoNetStatus st, MoNetPosture pos) {
00081         commandID = id;
00082         status    = st;
00083         posture   = pos;
00084     }
00085 };
00087 struct MoNetAgentCommand {
00088     MoNetAgentID  agent;
00089     int           index;
00090     OVRSyncKey    syncKey;
00091     MoNetPosture  startPosture;
00092     MoNetPosture  endPosture;
00094     MoNetAgentCommand() { Clear(); }
00095     void Clear() {
00096         agent        = monetagentUNDEF;
00097         index        = -1;
00098         syncKey      = ovrsynckeyUNDEF;
00099         startPosture = monetpostureUNDEF;
00100         endPosture   = monetpostureUNDEF;
00101     }
00102 };
00104 struct MoNetAgentResult {
00105     MoNetAgentID  agent;
00106     int           index;
00107     MoNetStatus   status;
00108     MoNetPosture  endPosture;
00110     MoNetAgentResult() {
00111         agent      = monetagentUNDEF;
00112         index      = -1;
00113         status     = monetUNDEF;
00114         endPosture = monetpostureUNDEF;
00115     }
00116     MoNetAgentResult(MoNetAgentID a, int idx, MoNetStatus s, MoNetPosture p) {
00117         agent   = a;
00118         index   = idx;
00119         status  = s;
00120         endPosture = p;
00121     }
00122 };
00124 #endif // MoNetData_h

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