MoNetData.h File Reference

#include <OPENR/OPENR.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  MoNetCommand
struct  MoNetResult
struct  MoNetAgentCommand
struct  MoNetAgentResult


typedef int MoNetCommandID
typedef int MoNetPosture
typedef int MoNetAgentID
typedef int MoNetStatus


const char *const MONET_CONFIG = "/MS/OPEN-R/MW/CONF/ERS-200/MONET.CFG"
const char *const MONET7_CONFIG = "/MS/OPEN-R/MW/CONF/ERS-7/MONET.CFG"
const size_t MONET_AGENT_NAME_MAX = 31
const MoNetCommandID monetcommandID_UNDEF = -1
const MoNetPosture monetpostureUNDEF = -1
const MoNetPosture monetpostureANY = 0
const MoNetPosture monetpostureNT = 1
const MoNetPosture monetpostureSTAND = 2
const MoNetPosture monetpostureSIT = 3
const MoNetPosture monetpostureSLEEP = 4
const MoNetPosture monetpostureWALK = 5
const MoNetAgentID monetagentUNDEF = -1
const MoNetAgentID monetagentNEUTRAL = 0
const MoNetAgentID monetagentMTN = 1
const MoNetAgentID monetagentSOUND = 2
const MoNetAgentID monetagentMTNWALK = 3
const char *const monetagentNEUTRAL_STRNAME = "monetagentNEUTRAL"
const char *const monetagentMTN_STRNAME = "monetagentMTN"
const char *const monetagentSOUND_STRNAME = "monetagentSOUND"
const char *const monetagentMTNWALK_STRNAME = "monetagentMTNWALK"
const int monetagentNEUTRAL_NT2SLEEP = 0
const int monetagentMTN_NULL_MOTION = -1
const MoNetStatus monetUNDEF = -1
const MoNetStatus monetSUCCESS = 0
const MoNetStatus monetCOMPLETION = 1
const MoNetStatus monetINCOMPLETION = 2
const MoNetStatus monetBUSY = 3
const MoNetStatus monetINVALID_ARG = 4
const MoNetStatus monetINVALID_WAV = 5

Typedef Documentation

typedef int MoNetAgentID

Definition at line 38 of file MoNetData.h.

Referenced by MoNet::ReadMoNetCommandConfig(), and MoNet::ReadMoNetConfig().

typedef int MoNetCommandID

Definition at line 26 of file MoNetData.h.

Referenced by MoNet::ReadMoNetCommandConfig().

typedef int MoNetPosture

Definition at line 29 of file MoNetData.h.

Referenced by MoNetCommandInfo::EndPosture(), MoNet::NotifyAgentResult(), and MoNetCommandInfo::StartPosture().

typedef int MoNetStatus

Definition at line 60 of file MoNetData.h.

Referenced by MTNAgent7::Move(), MTNAgent::Move(), SoundAgent::NotifyCommand(), MTNAgent7::NotifyCommand(), MTNAgent::NotifyCommand(), NeutralAgent7::ReadyEffector(), NeutralAgent::ReadyEffector(), MTNAgent7::ReadyEffector(), and MTNAgent::ReadyEffector().

Variable Documentation

const char* const MONET7_CONFIG = "/MS/OPEN-R/MW/CONF/ERS-7/MONET.CFG" [static]

Definition at line 21 of file MoNetData.h.


Definition at line 23 of file MoNetData.h.

Referenced by MoNet::ReadMoNetCommandConfig(), MoNet::ReadMoNetConfig(), MoNet::ToEndPosture(), and MoNet::ToStartPosture().

const size_t MONET_AGENT_NAME_MAX = 31

Definition at line 24 of file MoNetData.h.

Referenced by MoNet::ReadMoNetCommandConfig(), and MoNet::ReadMoNetConfig().

const char* const MONET_CONFIG = "/MS/OPEN-R/MW/CONF/ERS-200/MONET.CFG" [static]

Definition at line 19 of file MoNetData.h.

const char* const MONET_MOTION_KEYWORD = "MONET_MOTION" [static]

Definition at line 17 of file MoNetData.h.

const char* const MONET_SOUND_KEYWORD = "MONET_SOUND" [static]

Definition at line 18 of file MoNetData.h.

const MoNetAgentID monetagentMTN = 1

Definition at line 41 of file MoNetData.h.

const int monetagentMTN_NULL_MOTION = -1

Definition at line 58 of file MoNetData.h.

const char* const monetagentMTN_STRNAME = "monetagentMTN" [static]

Definition at line 46 of file MoNetData.h.

const MoNetAgentID monetagentMTNWALK = 3

Definition at line 43 of file MoNetData.h.

const char* const monetagentMTNWALK_STRNAME = "monetagentMTNWALK" [static]

Definition at line 48 of file MoNetData.h.

const MoNetAgentID monetagentNEUTRAL = 0

Definition at line 40 of file MoNetData.h.

Referenced by NeutralAgent7::NotifyCommand(), and NeutralAgent::NotifyCommand().

const int monetagentNEUTRAL_NT2SLEEP = 0

Definition at line 53 of file MoNetData.h.

const char* const monetagentNEUTRAL_STRNAME = "monetagentNEUTRAL" [static]

Definition at line 45 of file MoNetData.h.

const MoNetAgentID monetagentSOUND = 2

Definition at line 42 of file MoNetData.h.

Referenced by SoundAgent::ReadyPlay().

const char* const monetagentSOUND_STRNAME = "monetagentSOUND" [static]

Definition at line 47 of file MoNetData.h.

const MoNetAgentID monetagentUNDEF = -1

Definition at line 39 of file MoNetData.h.

Referenced by MoNet::Execute().

const MoNetStatus monetBUSY = 3

Definition at line 65 of file MoNetData.h.

Referenced by MoNet::NotifyClientCommand(), and SoundAgent::NotifyCommand().

const char* const MONETCMD7_CONFIG = "/MS/OPEN-R/MW/CONF/ERS-7/MONETCMD.CFG" [static]

Definition at line 22 of file MoNetData.h.

const char* const MONETCMD_CONFIG = "/MS/OPEN-R/MW/CONF/ERS-200/MONETCMD.CFG" [static]

Definition at line 20 of file MoNetData.h.

const MoNetCommandID monetcommandID_UNDEF = -1

Definition at line 27 of file MoNetData.h.

const MoNetStatus monetCOMPLETION = 1

Definition at line 63 of file MoNetData.h.

Referenced by NeutralAgent7::MoveToBroadBase(), NeutralAgent::MoveToBroadBase(), NeutralAgent7::MoveToSleeping(), NeutralAgent::MoveToSleeping(), BallTrackingHead7::NotifyResult(), and SoundAgent::ReadyPlay().

const MoNetStatus monetINCOMPLETION = 2

Definition at line 64 of file MoNetData.h.

const MoNetStatus monetINVALID_ARG = 4

Definition at line 66 of file MoNetData.h.

Referenced by MoNet::Execute(), MoNet::NotifyClientCommand(), and SoundAgent::NotifyCommand().

const MoNetStatus monetINVALID_WAV = 5

Definition at line 67 of file MoNetData.h.

const MoNetPosture monetpostureANY = 0

Definition at line 31 of file MoNetData.h.

Referenced by MoNet::ReadMoNetCommandConfig(), MoNet::ReadMoNetConfig(), and SoundAgent::ReplyAgentResult().

const MoNetPosture monetpostureNT = 1

Definition at line 32 of file MoNetData.h.

Referenced by MoNet::MoNet().

const MoNetPosture monetpostureSIT = 3

Definition at line 34 of file MoNetData.h.

const MoNetPosture monetpostureSLEEP = 4

Definition at line 35 of file MoNetData.h.

const MoNetPosture monetpostureSTAND = 2

Definition at line 33 of file MoNetData.h.

const MoNetPosture monetpostureUNDEF = -1

Definition at line 30 of file MoNetData.h.

Referenced by MoNet::NotifyClientCommand().

const MoNetPosture monetpostureWALK = 5

Definition at line 36 of file MoNetData.h.

const MoNetStatus monetSUCCESS = 0

Definition at line 62 of file MoNetData.h.

Referenced by MTNAgent7::Move(), and MTNAgent::Move().

const MoNetStatus monetUNDEF = -1

Definition at line 61 of file MoNetData.h.

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